- address
- 〒150-0021
東京都渋谷区恵比寿西2-4-8 2F
2F,2-4-8 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0021 JAPAN
google map - info@brew-inc.jp
JR山手線/東京メトロ 恵比寿駅 徒歩6分
JR渋谷駅新南口 徒歩9分
東急 東横線 代官山駅 徒歩8分
BREW has the two definitions:
1. To make (ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation.
2. To make (a beverage) by boiling, steeping, or mixing various ingredients:
Brewing your creativity from concepts to actual products
with our unique vision.
JR山手線/東京メトロ 恵比寿駅 徒歩6分
JR渋谷駅新南口 徒歩9分
東急 東横線 代官山駅 徒歩8分
クリエイティブディレクター / 代表取締役
Creative Director / President
1980年広島県県生まれ。千葉大学法経学部法学科卒業。NY州立ファッション工科大学(SUNY F.I.T)コミュニケーションデザイン学科卒業。帰国後、Business Architects Inc. での国内外の大手企業ウェブデザインに関わったのち、yah-man.jpとしてフリーランスのアートディレクター・デザイナーとしてウェブ・グラフィックを中心に活動する。フリーランスの活動と平行して、2009年8月、キャスタリアに取締役就任。2014年1月、フリーランスの活動を発展的解消し、BREW inc.を設立。今までの人生での酒が占める割合から、酒とデザインの会社とする。
Born in Hiroshima, in 1980.Graduated from Chiba University in Japan, majored in law. Graduated from Communication design from SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC. After coming back to Japan, joined Business Architects Inc. Worked with many well-known national client as a designer. Started freelancer as a art director / designer under the name of “yah-man.jp” and worked mainly for web / graphic design. Joined Edu-tech company, Castalia as a Director, Creative chief since August 2009. Found BREW inc. ,in addition to the graphic and web design business which yah-man.jp has conducted as a freelancer, to get into something new regarding Japanese alcoholic beverages to raise awareness of them around the world with design.
Awards : 2011 Gartner's Cool Vendors in Human Capital Management 2009 Tokyo Interactive Ad Award -Gold- 2009 adfest lotus roots -cyber lotus- 2009 Webby Awards Honoree -tourism- 2008 Good Design Award 2007 SXSW Interactive finalist -business-
1984年東京生まれ、NY州立ファッション工科大学(SUNY F.I.T)ファインアート学部グラフィックデザイン学科卒業。在学中にロンドンのChelsea college of Arts and Designへ交換留学も経験。2008年に帰国後、株式会社参画社に入社。Pen, Figaro, Men's Club, Kinfolk japan, Slider, Rollerなどの雑誌、書籍、広告デザインに携わる。2014年BREW inc.には設立メンバーとして参加。日々酔わない飲み方を模索中。好きな言葉は"Everything is gonna be alright!!"
Born in 1984, Tokyo. Graduated bachelor degree of Fine Arts/Graphic Design from SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC. Went to Chelsea college of Arts and Design in London as an exchange student from F.I.T. in 2006. After came back to Japan, Started to work at SANKAKUSHA CO., LTD in Tokyo. Worked for Publication and Ads such as Pen, Figaro japon, Men's Club, Kinfolk japan, Slider, Roller, etc as a designer. Joined BREW INC in 2014 as an original member. Seeking for fun and new with full of curiosity. Favorite quote is "Everything is gonna be alright"
デザイナー / リサーチャー
Designer / Researcher
From São Paulo, Brazil, got a degree from advertising school but started working with branding and graphic design since his first internship. With his intense desire to explore the world and a multidisciplinary experience, he lived in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and London and now found Tokyo as his heart home. Besides his 6 years working with graphic design, he is also deeply connected with startups development, social business, trends research and content creation. When not working, his passions are mainly on improving his 5 spoken languages and of course exploring Tokyo on a fast bike.
Financial Fixer
1981年埼玉県生まれ。日本大学文理学部英文学科在籍時より、アパレル業界に従事。あらゆる部署の仕事を横断的に経験後、離婚を機に退社。その後1年余り、中目黒の奥地でカレーパーティーやいけばな教室を運営しながら、食いつなぐ。2011年、話の流れからフリーランスの経理となり、契約形態には拘らず、現在もスモールカンパニーや個人事業主を中心に活動中。代表が、山田麻衣子好きだということに縁を感じ、2015年2月 BREW inc.にJoin。業務においては無茶振られを好む。主な移動手段はpush。純日本人。
Happy Engineer
1982年福岡県生まれ。洗足学園音楽大学入学。在学中よりSuper Colliderなどの音響合成言語に出会いコードの世界へ。その後、音楽家、Book Director、司古美術店オーナー、数社のweb制作会社の経験を経て、2016年BREW inc.にJoin。1児のパパ。性格は熱しやすく冷めにくい。
Born in 1982, Fukuoka. Started writing a code and getting interested in programming language for real time audio synthesis such as Super Collider while in Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. Soon after, become a Musician, Book director, Tsukasa antique shop owner, and had been through several web production company. Joined Brew inc in 2016. Happy daddy with wife and son. Fall in love quickly and stays forever.👍